第四百八十六章 这是老特拉福德,哥是球场的...神(求订阅)(1 / 5)

lift it &nh,this &nuld be the year!


&n celebrate and cheer,pitch, bench and terraces!


e're all &n the sa &n,if &nu believe !


e &nn't betray that trt!


&nh the streets &nf er!


&nu're &nnna hear the &nple &n!


&nnna lift it &nnna lift it &nur &nnly liit is the sky.!



突然间,几万人同时唱响曼联的第一队歌《lift it &nh》,整齐划一的歌声,瞬间响彻天际,气势之宏伟犹如万马奔腾、虎啸龙吟、气吞山河.....让人忍不住震撼。


&nh the triuph and the &nrief!


it's all &nut, it's all &nut belief!


it's all &nut belief!


this &nuld be the &n achieve the drea!


e've&n &n &nve~but e ant it all the sa!


united e are,united e are!


already &n &n far,e ill &nt rest until the &nle &nrld &ns &nur na!


&nnna lift it &nh, &nnna lift it &nur &nnly liit is the sky!




